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Police called to 'blood splattered' murder scene

Hotelier Middle East Staff, December 1st, 2010

Firefighters attending a hotel fire in the US stumbled on a blood splattered room and promptly called the police.

Police arrived at the George Washington Hotel in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and discovered blood splattered over the pillows, bed and walls as well as a piece of scalp with hair on it.

However, it transpired that room 405 had been used for a horror film, New Terminal Hotel, directed by BC Furtney and starring the late-Canadian actor Corey Haim.

The room had not been cleaned because the hotel management were not sure whether the crew had to return for further shots, according to the WTAE television channel.

"I was mad at first because we declared it a crime scene. I had to call my detectives out – that's eight hours of overtime," said chief PJ Blyth.