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OTRUM launches hospitality management tools system

Hotelier Middle East Staff, March 24th, 2011

Otrum has launched its latest information, communication and entertainment portal for the hospitality industry, OTRUM Enterprise.

Incorporating a full suite of management tools designed to improve guest satisfaction and drive revenue growth, the company held event launches in Dubai and Abu Dhabi this month.

Bjørn Ove Skjeie, president & CEO of OTRUM said: “OTRUM has a long-term vision of changing the industry, now in 2011 we take great pride in the launch of OTRUM Enterprise.

“This unique solution sets itself apart from all other in-room technology, offering true enterprise solutions for all areas of hotel and chain management. As CEO of OTRUM, I stand proudly beside my team and say that we have achieved our vision – we will not take it easy though, the creative minds in our in-house R&D division are already developing additional services to add to OTRUM Enterprise. This is the beginning of a journey.”

The company also demonstrated the capabilities of OTRUM Connect — a hospitality smartphone application developed to complement OTRUM Enterprise by providing checked-in guests with a unique navigation tool, loaded with useful information about the hotel, local area and in-room entertainment options.

All of these attributes can be used to tailor-make communications, advertising, service offerings and price points for the individual guest, rather than a common experience for all guests in the property or chain.

All data collected by the system is stored online at a central facility allowing authorised personnel to access databases and schedule marketing campaigns, modify profiling data, adjust pricing levels – all from any web browser, in any location.

In addition to this, data analytics can evaluate usage of services at different times of day, week and year or by guest type etc.
For more information visit .