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Availpro launches facebooking engine

Harriet Sinclair, April 12th, 2011

Availpro has officially launched its booking engine for facebook at a press conference entitled ‘Make facebook a sales channel for your hotel’.

Speaking at the conference, Antoine Buhl, Availpro’s technical manager, explained: “With 27 million active users in the United Kingdom and 1.7 million in Ireland, Facebook is clearly one of the major players in on-line booking for the future.

“As a specialist in the area, we owe it to ourselves to be the forerunners. The technical advances that will be made on Facebook in the future with iFrames will enable us to integrate our engine further still.”

The new service means that users will now be able to directly book rooms on the hotel’s facebook page.

Facebook sales manager David Zanazaka added: “Facebook proposes an array of marketing solutions (Premium, Reach Block, Marketplace) which will allow companies to make themselves better known and/or create traffic on their Facebook page.

Combined with a booking tool such as the one from Availpro, Facebook will enable hotel owners to directly convert their friends and fans from their page into customers.”