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Egypt remains 'key destination' despite turmoil

Hotelier Middle East Staff, May 10th, 2011

Hoteliers have stressed the importance of Egypt in their plans, despite the revolution and recent unrest.

President and managing director international lodging for Marriott Ed Fuller said he had “tremendous hope” for the Egyptian hotel market.

“I was in Bangkok in May last year and it [the hotel market] was in deep trouble, but the market has rebounded and people see it’s safe and they want to go,” he said, alluding to the violent Red Shirt protests that took place in Thailand.

“We have just had a sales and marketing planning session for two days for the region — it wasn’t a case of ‘let’s go and spend a lot of money on ads’, but it’s time to turn your thinking to bringing customers back, let’s stop feeling sorry for ourselves, let’s get focused and go.”

Pascal Duchauffour, area vice president – Europe, Middle East & Africa for The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company agreed with Fuller.

“Egypt in the long term still remains a key destination and such an important market for the Middle East,” he said.

“We believe in Egypt as a destination and being present in Egypt despite what happens today and we are very positive about the outcome there.”
The company is currently designing the concepts for the Nile Ritz-Carlton and a property in the Palm Hills development.

“Despite the challenges that have occurred in Cairo we see the projects continue to move forward. Those two projects are on a similar timeline and we are still progressing very well,” Duchauffour added.

Fairmont Hotels & Resorts, which operates two luxury properties in Cairo, also confirmed its commitment to Egypt.

In a statement it said as “Cairo emerges from recent history making events, it remains a key travel destination within the region, and the world, due to its vibrant culture and iconic heritage and attractions”.

“Egypt is moving and open for business, with New Egypt looking to welcome tourists and bring the country to the forefront of the tourism industry. Our product still delivers high-end output, and there are a number of promotions and offerings, such as our newly launched luxury spa, to provide a great reason to visit,” said Frank Naboulsi, GM of Fairmont Nile City.