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October's Travel agent of the Month

Monika Canty, October 24th, 2011

Name: Narouz Sarkies
Position: General Manager
Company: Belhasa Tourism & Travel
Age: 51 years
Time in the travel industry: 26 Years
Time at the company: 13 Years

What’s the biggest booking you have ever made?
The biggest booking was for a local client and the total family package came to US$ 326,708 (AED 1.2 million).

What is your ambition for the future?
We need to offer a higher standard of service, and use the latest technology.

Where’s your favourite place to travel to / and why?
Switzerland because it is natural, clean, beautiful and safe.

What advice do you have for anyone today looking to become a travel agent?
I always advise people about having enough capital (it is not a small investment any more). And they should understand the concept of service because we are selling service

How do you feel about being nominated ATN’s travel agent of the month?
I am feeling really proud; but I think we as an agency deserve it.

have you ever gone ‘above and beyond’ for a client?
Yes I have done it so many times, when it comes to service and customer satisfaction

What are the biggest challenges facing the travel trade today?
The biggest one is the competition from the airlines and the hotels especially when it comes to our corporate clients

What do you love most about your job?
I love the challenge — especially when it comes to strategy and service.

What's the worst thing about being a travel agent?
The worst thing about being a travel agent is the competition. It’s not only from other agents but also from the hotels and airlines too.