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WTM 2011 to generate more business than ever

Hotelier Middle East Staff, October 26th, 2011

 World Travel Market 2011 (WTM) is set to be the catalyst for even more travel industry business deals then ever before, a poll of Meridian Club members — WTM’s business club for senior travel industry buyers — revealed.

World Travel Market 2010 led to a massive £1425 million (US $2285 million) worth of travel industry deals, with almost 90% of Meridian Club members polled stating they expect to conduct a greater amount of business (in monetary value) at WTM 2011 than they did at WTM 2010.

More than two thirds of the 180 members polled (70%) expect to conduct at least 10% more business, with almost half (48%) planning to conduct between 10%-25% more business. Twelve per cent predict WTM will lead to them sealing deals worth between 26%-40% more than WTM 2010, while 3% expect to conduct at least 75% more business in 2011 than in 2010.

Ambitious growth plans and strong company performance are the key reasons behind the increase in business, according to two thirds of the Meridian Club members polled.

Emerging markets were also identified as key reasons for conducting more business during the four days of WTM.

World Travel Market Exhibition Director Simon Press said: “World Travel Market’s focus is to facilitate business between exhibitors and the industry’s senior buyers in the WTM Meridian Club.

“I am delighted Meridian Club members are telling us they expect to conduct a greater amount of business than ever before. Each year the amount of business WTM generates increases; 2010’s £1,425 million figure was an impressive 25% increase on 2009’s £1,139 million,” said Press.