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Emirates Airline gets tough on late passengers

Andy Sambidge, November 27th, 2011

Emirates Airline is to get tougher on late arriving passengers in a bid to ensure on-time departures from Terminal 3 at Dubai International Airport.

The carrier said in a statement that it will be closing its check-in desks a full hour prior to a flight's scheduled departure time from December 1.

The move is an effort to further enhance the customer experience and ensure departures get away on time, the airline said.

Customers who check-in with less than 60 minutes to their scheduled flight will not be accepted to board the aircraft, Emirates added.


It said passengers should report to the check-in counters no later than 90 minutes prior to departure.

Mohammed H Mattar – divisional senior vice president, Emirates Airport Services, said: “Emirates has taken these measures not only to ensure greater efficiency and on-time departures, but also in consideration of our customers who arrive on time for their flights.

"These steps will provide customers with a more seamless and comfortable travel experience and will give us the necessary minutes to ensure that the aircraft departs as scheduled."

Passengers who have opted for the online check-in facility with check-in baggage, are also required to check-in their luggage no later than 90 minutes prior to the scheduled departure of their flight.

All passengers are requested to be at the boarding gate no later than 35 minutes before departure and boarding gates will close 15 minutes before departure time.

Passengers will also be given verbal reminders about the gate closure policy when they check in. Written reminders have also been placed on boarding cards, quick transfer wallets, onboard airshow slides and other touch points.