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Emiratis put off tourism jobs by 'misconceptions'

Hotelier Middle East Staff, December 8th, 2011

Popular misconceptions lead many Emirati youth to overlook careers in the tourism industry, said local cultural expert Ali Al Saloom.


The owner and founder of Embrace Arabia, an organisation dedicated to educating newcomers about Emirati culture, told the World Green Tourism conference in Abu Dhabi of the negative stereotypes held by local emiratis about careers in the tourism industry.


“Tourism jobs are often overlooked by school leavers because many Emiratis believe the industry involves low pay, irregular working hours and goes against the Emirati religious ethic because hotels serve alcohol,” said Al Saloom.


Tourism is one of the key sectors that the UAE Government is looking to in order to stimulate job growth and diversify away from the resource sector.


Al Saloom said more work needs to be done to encourage youths to look seriously at a career in tourism.


“Emiratis are key to the success of UAE tourism,” he said. "Nobody can host and welcome UAE guests better than a skilled Emirati host. If we want our country to be portrayed in a certain way it is essential that we do it ourselves.


“We will see a huge shift in the industry once Emiratis students fully realise that there are lucrative, fulfilling job options available to those that work hard – positions that do not pose challenges to their cultural and religious beliefs.”

Al Saloom was part of a discussion panel titled ‘Youth Employment in the Arab World: Tourism and the Environment’.


The panel also discussed whether careers being created by the emerging environmental sector are attracting youth, but Al Saloom said ‘green’ matters were utterly disregarded throughout the region.

“There is not enough emphasis placed on environmental issues at all,” said Al Saloom. “Our ancestors mastered the art of resourceful living but the new generation is spoiled by seemingly endless resources. We need to reestablish respect toward God’s creations in our youth.”