17 Belhasa Tourism & Travel
Staff: 52 Offices: 5 Managing director: Narouz Sarkies

Belhasa Tourism & Travel is part of the Belhasa Group of Companies. Belhasa Tourism & Travel has grown to encompass five offices in Dubai and three representative offices throughout the GCC, with a total of 52 staff. Since its establishment in 1996, Belhasa Tourism & Travel has grown to be considered one of the top wholesalers in Dubai and a well-organised global tour operating company working throughout the emirates.

This has been a busy few years for Belhasa Tourism & Travel. The company launched its own office in China in March 2010 to capitalise on the burgeoning tourism sector there.

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This year has also seen the opening of a new branch in Dubai on Etihad Road, plus the development of a new B2B /B2C online system which is due to be launched in January 2012. Next year will see further international expansion for Belhasa Tourism & Travel with the launch of offices in Latin America and Paris.

Narouz Sarkies is managing director, and has been with the company for a total of 13 years.