19 UTravel
Staff: 12 Offices: 2 Managing partners: Nabil and Basel Abu Alrub

The managing partners of UTravel are newcomers to the region’s travel scene but in the short space of a year since they set up Dubai-based UTravel, they have certainly become the “ones to watch” when it comes to travel agencies.

In it’s first year of operation UTravel has double its sales force, and the last quarter of this year saw the company quadruple its revenue. UTravel has focused its efforts on tapping into the fast-growing Chinese market and has successfully signed numerous deals with Asian multinational companies based in the Middle East. The company is also strategically targeting the luxury traveller sector. UTravel launched its ‘ultra-holidays’ division this year with an extensive network of travel partners across the region and was the only travel agency from the Middle East to snap up the opportunities at the Pure Experiences 2011 Exhibition in Marrakech.

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The brothers have prioritised their technology offering, creating a user-friendly website featuring numerous inspirational packages as well as a Facebook page which now boasts more than 3,700 followers — the region’s largest Facebook network in the travel trade.

Technology also features in UTravel’s ad campaign — the first outdoor advertising in the travel industry with a customised QR code which, once scanned automatically downloads Utravel’s contact details onto the user’s smartphone.
A creative nationwide advertising campaign on print and radio; plus further exciting technology developments are in the pipeline for 2012, although the brothers refuse to give too much away for now... but with so much achieved in one year it looks to be a bright future ahead.