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Designer labels sell, says San Pellegrino boss

Charlie Lyon, January 10th, 2012

Following the launch of the new, limited edition S.Pellegrino Sparkles with Bulgari water bottle, CEO Stefano Agostini has announced that it is “experiences” rather than “commodities” that consumers want to pay for these days.

“Consumers value experiences over commodities more and more, and I think the S.Pellegrino Sparkles with Bulgari bottle is able to set the entire tone of a dinner with its uniqueness, refinement and stylishness,” he said.

The bottle label, which has been designed by San Pellegrino and Italian jewellery designer Bulgari, features a string of emeralds, diamonds, amethysts and turquoise jewels, and 50 million of them will be hitting high-end outlets for a limited three-month period.

It’s luxurious touches like this, that Agostini thinks will keep the brand ahead of emerging competition in the Middle East bottled water industry.

“The market demand for the premium brands is strong across the entire GCC,” said Agostini. “The UAE, Saudi Arabia and Qatar in particular are delivering results above expectations.

“Bottled water consumption in the Middle East region continues to expand and consumers are migrating from local waters to premium mineral water brands. The UAE market in particular is delivering a double-digit growth.”