The Peace Hotel in Shanghai The Peace Hotel in Shanghai

World of opportunity
Fox’s feminine side may come into play as a hotel guest, but when it comes to business, she claims to have “always taken being a woman out of the equation”. Nevertheless, you can count female CEOs of hotel companies globally on one hand and heading up a luxury brand in such a male-dominated industry makes Fox’s journey to the top all the more admirable. She attributes her success to her passion for taking on new challenges and opportunities.

“The reason I’ve been able to achieve some of the things I’ve achieved and some of the promotions I’ve had over my career is probably because I’ve been willing to relocate and if you’re not willing to take opportunities when they’re presented to you and perhaps relocate and move around the world, it is much harder to get an opportunity to do a role like this,” Fox reflects.

“That is probably one of the pieces of advice I would give to young women in the industry who are looking to perhaps build their career with a hotel company — don’t be afraid to take risks, don’t be afraid to take opportunities and uproot your life and your family because if you want to get ahead in the hotel business you’ve got to gain that global experience to do many of the more senior roles in the industry.”

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Valuable advice from a woman in the know, who clearly relishes her global remit and prized portfolio of 62 Fairmont hotels and resorts — not to mention the ambitious growth projector she is now driving.