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Q&A: February's hotelier off duty

Louise Oakley, February 27th, 2012

As hoteliers refresh their focus on understanding guest behaviours, it’s time to start looking at hotels through the all-seeing eyes of the customer. Crowne Plaza Dubai’s hotel manager reflects on his guest experiences and explains why he’s a dream client

Are you a nightmare client or a dream customer?
I am a dream customer.

How do you book a hotel?
I book through the hotel website always, this allows me to see all the hotel’s facilities and I enjoy the photo-gallery tours.

When was the last time you used a travel agent for personal travel?
I have never used a travel agent — I must have been ahead of my time!

Front desk or self-service kiosk – which one do you approach for check-in?
Front desk, I like the personal touch.

What’s the first thing you do when you enter your hotel room?
Check the toilet cleanliness.

What would you most prefer in your room – an espresso machine or kettle and fine teas?
The espresso machine.

What could you live without – an in-room robe and slippers, or guest bathroom toiletries?
In-room robe and slippers, nothing says ‘hotel’ like a robe and slippers.

What’s worse - no spa or no bar?
No bar.

How much would you be willing to pay to use the internet in a hotel?
US $10 per day.

How long do you wait for room service before calling to chase it?
Until the time delivery was promised, after that I am on the phone.

What are you most likely to complain about in a hotel?
Water pressure.

What will make you recommend a hotel to a friend?
Service / facilities.

What’s your hotel pet peeve?
Being disturbed.

What did you last pinch from a hotel?

What’s best - pool or beach?
Beach .

What do you use - traditional menu or iPad menu?

How do you relax when not at work?
Watch TV.

What’s your favorite holiday memory?
Nice in Southern France, it’s a magical place.

What’s your best business travel experience to date?
Upgrade to business travel.

Which holiday experience would you rather forget?
None, I guess I am lucky.

Have you ever checked out of a hotel early because it was so bad?

Which airport would you most hate to be delayed in?
The smoking section of any airport.

How many hours could you cope without your Blackberry/iPhone when on holiday?
One hour.

If you weren’t a hotelier, what would you be?
Civil engineer.

Tell us one thing your team don’t know about you?
I am a closet picnic lover.