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Saudi plans cable car routes for holy city

Arabian Business staff writer, May 6th, 2012

Saudi Arabian authorities have recommended the introduction of six cable car routes linking Makkah’s Grand Mosque to three areas of the holy city, it has been reported.

The Centre of Excellence for Hajj and Umrah Research at Umm Al-Qura University is studying the possibility of introducing technology such as cable cars to minimise congestion in Makkah during Islamic pilgrimage periods, reported Saudi-based Arab News.

The study recommended the introduction of six routes to transport pilgrims from the parking areas in Kudai, Rusaifa and Taneem, said Adnan Gutub, director of the centre.

Addressing a meeting of the Makkah Public Transport Committee this week, Gutub said the centre discussed the cable car system as a means of supporting existing transport infrastructure, rather then replacing it.