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Oetker Collection partners with Guerlain for spas

James Clarey, July 11th, 2012

Oetker Collection has announced an exclusive partnership with Guerlain, the French beauty brand, to develop spas in the group’s hotels.

The first Guerlain spa in an Oetker property will be at the recently opened Palais Namaskar in Marrakech. The partnership is likely to see three spas open in the next three years.

The 180-year-old Guerlain brand, which currently has spas in New York Paris and Tokyo among other cities, will expand into the Middle East by having an outlet in Oetker’s Le Bristol Abu Dhabi, due to open in 2013.

Samir Daqqaq, senior vice president of development for the Middle East and Africa at Oetker Collection, said: “Both being renowned luxury brands, Oetker Collection and Guerlain share a lot of attributes, and Guerlain enhances our spas with a wealth of experience and know how.”

He added: “Guerlain’s long standing history and reputation makes them the ideal partner for Oetker Collection, however what specifically drove us to choose Guerlain is their continuous research and ongoing innovations into their products that benefit both the body and soul.”