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Hotelier Middle East Staff, July 17th, 2012

When you single out hoteliers working in Saudi Arabia against those working in Qatar, there are some clear differences in working conditions and sentiment, according to the Hotelier Middle East Salary Survey 2012.

For a start you were more likely to have received a pay rise in the last six months if you work in Qatar according to our survey.

An impressive 46.9% of Qatari hoteliers received a rise in the last six months compared to 31.6% of hoteliers in Saudi Arabia. On the opposite end of the scale, only 3.1% of Qatar’s hoteliers hadn’t had a pay rise in the last three years compared to 10.5% in KSA.

Added to this, in Qatar 21.9% of hoteliers hadn’t been promoted in the last three years compared to 47.4% in Saudi Arabia. Opportunities for progression are clearly more numerous in Qatar than KSA according to our survey.

Having said this, hoteliers are more likely to work more than 50 hours a week in Qatar (65.6%) than Saudi Arabia (52.6%).

Our survey also reveals that 85.7% of hoteliers in Saudi Arabia look forward to the future with complete confidence or feel more secure than they did 12 months ago. Only 76% of Qatari hoteliers could say the same. This was in line with 28.6% of KSA hoteliers being completely happy in their jobs compared to 16% who said the same in Qatar.

Conclusions would be that the opportunities and pay rises are more abundant in Qatar, but the likelihood of finding job satisfaction and a sense of security are in Saudi Arabia – according to our respondents of course!