Naomi Mackay Naomi Mackay

Naomi Mackay, human resources manager at Jumeirah Creekside Hotel, Dubai shows us how to spot potential

What roles are you recruiting for?
At present we have slowed down a little on recruitment after the huge push we had during pre-opening. However there are always plenty of opportunities with Jumeirah so interested candidates should keep an eye on the Jumeirah careers website.

What are the main character attributes you look for?
In the hotel market here in Dubai there is an abundance of luxury branded hotels but outstanding service and a personal touch can make a hotel stand out from the rest. When looking at candidates I look for people who can deliver this type of service and the characteristics they normally possess are approachability, the ability to empathise with guests, integrity, patience, respect, pro-activity and a passion for what they do.

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What are your interview tips?
Make sure you research the company; lots of information can be found online prior to the interview. Practice your interview techniques with someone to make sure you actively listen to the questions being asked and to make sure you answer as fully as possible. Look smart, smile throughout, be on time, be yourself and relax. If you try to be something or someone you are not, you may find yourself in an organisation where you are not the right fit.

What benefits does your company offer?
Jumeirah offers excellent benefits for colleagues with a very comprehensive medical, pension and bonus scheme. Employees also benefit from being able to eat in the properties for 50% of the full price as well as reduced cost hotel rooms in any Jumeirah property around the world (17 and growing).

So, how do I get a job?
Be the best at what you do, make sure you have a great resume with no spelling mistakes, practice your two minutes sales pitch of yourself and make it snappy and interesting. Make sure you know what Jumeirah, and in particular Jumeirah Creekside Hotel is all about. If you can turn up with a “can do attitude” and have a passion for service, then you are hired!