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Oman tourism investment on the rise

Hotelier Middle East Staff, May 8th, 2013

There are more than 3,000 hotel rooms due for completion by the end of 2014 in Oman, according to figures released by the country’s Ministry of Tourism. 

His Excellency Ahmed Al Mahrizi, Oman’s Minister of Tourism said the new developments would put the country’s tourism industry “on a new footing”.

“OMRAN is on track to complete niche resorts in Khasab and Jabal Al Akhdar, and the construction of new hotels and visitor facilities are starting in Muscat and Salalah, while the Oman Convention and Exhibition Centre is on track to open in Q1 2017,” he asserted.

“These ‘next generation’ developments take into account community, environment values and our consumer segments. Our focus continues to be on quality, ‘leading edge authenticity’ and beautiful Oman. We are looking to boost our competitiveness and provide sustainable jobs across the country.”

OMRAN, the Government of Oman’s specialist tourism development and asset management company is making a pivotal contribution to the sector’s development outcomes. The company is leading the delivery of several major joint venture projects valued at around USD1.6 billion. The coming year will see the opening of OMRAN-managed resorts at Khasab and Jabal Al Akhdar.

“The niche resorts at Khasab and Jabal Al Akhdar are welcomed by their respective communities. They will generate substantial local economic activity and jobs,” added His Excellency Minister Al Mahrizi.

“Khasab and Jabal Al Akdhar are special places and the resorts showcase Omani design and local materials. The buildings coexist with their settings and are not imposing, while their interior designs are vibrant and express Oman’s identity. We are sure people will aspire to visit and stay in these exquisite resorts.”

Private sector investment is also on the rise with new resorts opening, the next being the 37 room Tiwi Resort, followed in late 2013 by a mountain resort hotel at Diana’s Point, Jabal Al Akhdar. The Ministry sees Oman’s nation building projects such as airports, Oman Air’s international expansion, fast ferries and improved communications as the platforms for tourism growth, with local and international investors responding accordingly.