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Leadership, tax and tech rank high at WTTC summit

Hotelier Middle East Staff, May 28th, 2013

Guy Wilkinson reports from the World Travel and Tourism Council Global Summit in Abu Dhabi, where leadership, taxation, sustainability and technology ranked high on the agenda:

The arrival of the 13th World Travel and Tourism Council Global Summit in Abu Dhabi was a momentous occasion for the capital, with Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority (TCA Abu Dhabi) and Etihad Airways recently joining forces to host the event at Jumeirah at Etihad Towers on April 9-10.

The event theme was ‘A time for Leadership’, with David Scowsill, president and CEO of the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) calling on the tourism industry “to grasp the mantle of leadership in order to influence”.

In his opening speech, Scowsill urged the 1000-strong delegates to “not only influence at industry level but at world level, not only within government chambers, but in boardrooms, in the media, amongst employees and within supply chains”.

“Leadership is about influence,” stated Scowsill. “How do we facilitate the growth of our industry responsibly and sustainably, without destroying our planet in the process? How do we manage the growth in demand for international travel from the two billion new middle class consumers emerging from burgeoning economies of China and India? How do we prepare for the next one billion international travellers crossing country borders each year?”

While the first day of the conference provided a broad brush overview of these issues — with the keynote speech from president Bill Clinton challenging industry leaders to take the mantle of economic responsibility with tourism as the game changer — the second day tackled the specifics behind Scowsill’s last question.

Up in the Air
A tripartite session entitled ‘Getting ready for the next one billion’ was logically split between focuses on aviation, hotels and other sector players such as cruise lines, railways and travel companies. Moderator Peter Greenburg, travel editor of CBS News, introduced the session by commenting that global airlines achieved a margin of just 1.3% in 2012.

Keynote speaker James Hogan, CEO of Etihad Airways, quoted IATA data showing that Middle East airlines’ passenger traffic was up 10.6% in 2012, compared to 3.7% worldwide. He referred in particular to the advantages enjoyed by young Gulf airlines such as Etihad, Emirates and Qatar Airways, compared to the ‘legacy’ airlines of the US, Europe and the Far East.

“We started [Etihad] with a clean sheet of paper. We were not burdened by the legacy handcuffs, whether they be union agreements, infrastructure agreements or multi hubs,” stated Hogan.

Quoting impressive figures for Etihad (73 aircraft serving 83 direct destinations, 90 planes on order, 10 million ‘guests’ served in 10 years), he said the airline had codeshare partnerships with 42 airlines and minority equity investments in four other carriers.

Of Etihad’s 14,500 staff, 1000 were Emiratis, including an all-female call centre in Al Ain.

In the lively panel session that ensued, Willie Walsh, CEO of International Airlines Group (the parent company of British Airways, Iberia and bmi) admired the advance of Dubai from the world’s 99th hub airport in 1999 to number two in 2012, characterising the Gulf as the opposite to Europe, thanks to its excellent infrastructure and absence of government restrictions.

He was particularly critical of European airport taxes — especially the British ‘Air Passenger Duty’ — a view that was passionately reiterated by various speakers throughout the day.

“Not a single penny goes to the industry or the environment,” he stated. “A recent PricewaterhouseCoopers report shows that if you scrap the tax, you actually boost the economy.”

Martin Craigs, CEO of the Pacific Asia Travel Association, added: “To you hoteliers who think this has nothing to do with you, I would politely suggest that it has a lot to do with your beloved development pipeline, (which) will be blocked if you do not allow passengers to get to your facilities.”

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Room for a Night
The focus then turned to hotels, with a session centred on the way brands and technology are helping hotel chains grow their markets.

Keynote speaker Richard Solomons, CEO of InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG), said: “A hotel brand is about an experience and that experience is delivered by people. We spend an awful lot of time looking for talent and training talent.” He said IHG was planning to hire 90,000 new staff over the next three years to support its global expansion, with China being its largest growth market.

“Our job as a brand is to make sure we have the best location in the market,” Solomons added. “We have maps of Abu Dhabi and Dubai showing where we want to be.”

Arthur de Haast, chairman, Hotels and Hospitality Group of Jones Lang LaSalle Hotels, suggested that hotel chains should focus their expansion strategies not only on locations where there was evident hotel demand, but also where hospitality represented a better investment than other assets.

“[The brands] should be thinking of how they can deliver returns in certain locations. Virtually all the brands could do more in focusing on [the needs of investors].”

Darren Richard Huston, CEO of, said technology was a key to brand penetration. He explained that through online booking, guests are able to base their lodging choices on a plethora of details.

“In the age of the internet, information is being democratised to such an extent…We have a million guests staying every night and they are mining data like it’s a candy store. People can now come to Abu Dhabi and Dubai and use all the filters. They can even live different lives, as a businessman and with the family (with different filtering profiles).

Brands are completely relevant now, but they can’t afford to be average — they’ve got to be the best.”

Huston added that iPhone and iPad usage in Dubai and the UAE was unusually high.

The China Debate
Another session ‘Common Problems, Common Solutions’ was discussed by a panel including senior representatives of the cruise-line industry, railways, travel companies and others — with China emerging as a key focus.

China was the source of an astonishing 83 million outbound travellers in 2012, who spent $100 million on their travels and will increase in numbers to 200 million by 2020, according to Ken Chu, chairman and CEO, Mission Hills Group.

He went on to say that China would open 100 new airports by 2015 and add 120,000 km of new railway lines serving 600 cities and 50 million people in the next eight years, in a bid to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. He told the audience there would also be six new cruise ship ports in Hainan Island alone — the venue for next year’s WTTC Global Summit.

Desiree Bollier, CEO of Value Retail, confirmed that the Chinese were the top spenders on luxury duty-free goods, followed by the Russians, the GCC and Brazil. These are the people you want booking your hotels — but it’s not that simple.

The session revealed that the Chinese are facing major visa restrictions, with just 6% of last year’s outbound total able to visit Europe and just 1.25% the US, according to Chu. Bollier echoed the sentiments of many in the forum when she complained that government visa restrictions for many nationalities was impacting tourist flows around the world.

“The cost of the visa… the length it takes, you are almost saying ‘you are not welcome to come.’ On the one hand, you are saying that the tourism industry is an economic saviour of the planet, and on the other, there is no joined-up thinking by the government bodies to say, well, let’s do something about it collectively,” said Bollier. “How could we speed up the process without jeopardising security?”

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Tech it Further
Sustainability was a major focus for the conference, not only in the session entitled ‘Scarce Resources: Numerous Answers,’ but throughout the event. Again, it linked the overall theme of leadership, with the industry urged to work together to drive change.

Finally, no travel industry conference would be complete without addressing the increasingly significant impact of technology on the tourism industry.

Carroll Rheem, senior director, research of PhoCusWright, said in a panel on the topic that 80% of US and European travellers use the internet to shop for travel.

Lee McCabe, global head of travel from Facebook, said that 10% of online travel spend in 2014 will come from mobile devices, and that already 25% of mobile usage is on Facebook and Instagram.

“[The Facebook] platform is built on the influence of friends and we’re finding that in travel, that’s always been the most powerful influence.” McCabe showed a video about how the MGM hotels in Las Vegas were using Facebook to turn guests into ‘our ambassadors, our marketers’, with returns of between three and 15 times on their advertising spend through the website.

Other panelists demonstrated impressive new mobile technology for a language ‘phrase book’ platform and virtual tours of hotels.

Charles Armstrong, CEO of TourWrist, showed how he could use his iPad to give a ‘next generation’ virtual hotel tour, moving it up and down as though it were truly a window onto a hotel lobby, and also demonstrating how his software can allow such images to be shot by guests from an iPhone.

He commented: “We’re sharing photos, words, experiences, tweets on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Youtube. This is marketing gold, this is the best endorsement a travel brand could have.”

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What the delegates said:
“The conference was a great success. I enjoyed the networking and the sessions. Interesting development in integrating social media into the heart of the event – sets the standard for conferences.” Alex Kyriakidis, president and managing director, Middle East & Africa Continent, Marriott International, applauded the live Twitter feed on stage during the conference.

“Visas and excessive taxation are major hurdles to growth. Martin Craigs, Willie Walsh and James Hogan all agreed and we, through Bench Events, will bang the drum, alongside our industry partners, to lobby governments to lighten regulation and reduce tax which will facilitate economic growth and employment.”
Jonathan Worsley, chairman — Bench Events, pledged to continue to champion the messages raised at WTTC.

“I think this is one of the finest tourism events that I’ve attended in my life, and I’ve attended several. The quality of the speeches… the content, the manner in which they communicate, I think it’s terrific. I feel there is just one lack — of speeches from the emerging economies — where is the guy from India, from Brazil?” Gautam Sen Gupta, partner, Market Vision Research & Consulting Services, sought more involvement from BRIC industry experts.

“The conference has been an excellent gathering. What we see here is the movers, the shakers and those that are actually going to implement the strategy. And so from our perspective, it’s a perfect networking opportunity to talk about… our race of zeppelins and air ships around the earth.

There is a confluence here of people who are very much pro-green… and at the same time looking to promote their cultures, their destinations, so this is a perfect context for this kind of conversation. Don Hartsell, commissioner and MD, World Air League, looks to balance the conflict of airlift and sustainability.

“The World Travel & Tourism Council has done a magnificent job in staging a major event like this in a place like Abu Dhabi, above all because it is a new global destination that embodies what the future holds, today.

The event has caused us all to reflect on the possible consequences of this rapid growth of tourism worldwide for the earth, and for the survival and sustainability of its humanity itself.

The forum has set out a path for the tourism industry in terms of raising consumers’ consciousness about the need to change certain consumption patterns in order to conserve the earth. This seemed to me to be a very good outcome.”
Francisco Alonso, Mexican Ambassador in the UAE.

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- 4.4% Growth of travel and tourism GDP on average per year
- Number 1 WTTC forecasts that China will overtake the United States as the world’s largest travel and tourism economy by 2023
- 1000 Delegates attended WTTC Abu Dhabi
- 10.3mn Passengers carried by Etihad Airways in 2012
- 70 million Jobs to be in tourism by 2023
- US $10.5 trillion dollars Total economic contribution of travel and tourism to GDP by 2023
- 1 in 10 Jobs to be in travel and tourism by 2023