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Les Roches launches hospitality management program

Parinaaz Navdar, August 21st, 2013

Les Roches International School of Hotel Management has launched a new Bachelor of Business Administration in Global Hospitality Management starting 2014.

The seven-semester program will allow students to study at one of three locations in Bluche, Switzerland, Shanghai, China, and Marbella, Spain.

The course will focus on the service culture and cuisine of each country, relevant language skills as well as socio-political dynamics of the country’s hospitality and tourism industry. Students will also spend one semester each in China and Spain.

Les Roches CEO Sonia Tatar said: “International hotel companies – which have excellent potential for growth, especially in Asia and Brazil – are looking to hire graduates who are not only used to a multicultural work environment, but who also have expertise acquired in different parts of the world. “Today, in order to succeed in this industry, one must depart from the beaten path, think globally and be mobile. The new BBA program gives students a unique and differentiated exposure to countries where the hospitality sector is in full and rapid expansion, providing them a competitive edge to enter this professional market.”

Enrollment for the Global Hospitality Management programme will be limited to 30 students.