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Five social media tips to try

Hotelier Middle East Staff, December 22nd, 2014

Martin Kubler recently wrote a column about the social media lessons he learned from a cat. Here are his five tips for hoteliers:

1 Be a cat-like observer of what goes on in the social media sphere and observe the different noises and happenings. Pounce fast if a problem or opportunity pops up!

2 Take some grooming time: Look after the visual appearance of your social media platforms and update them regularly.

3 Faced with something unknown? Poke it! Be fearless! When it comes to social media, retaining a sense of natural curiosity helps.

4 Know your territory: It’s better to target a limited audience or area in a quality manner than target a large audience badly.

5 Do nothing every now and again: Your social media activities should reflect real life, so take a breather to come up with unexpected things.