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First food security diploma for MENA region

Shaheen Nouman, January 28th, 2015

The American University of Beirut’s Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences (FAFS) has launched what it claims is the first graduate-level programme on food security in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. It will begin this summer.

The concept of food security regained prominence following the 2007-2008 food crises, when people across the globe were negatively impacted by rapidly rising food prices.

FAFS dean Nahla Hwalla said: “With the launch of the Diploma in Food Security, we are sustaining our commitment to offer educational programmes that address issues of global and regional concern and contribute to the future of the region.”

The MENA region in particular remains food insecure, meaning that many individuals still do not have physical, social and/or economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food which meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.

Challenges for food security in the region include a rising population, a lack of arable land and freshwater, unsustainable use of natural resources, and high rates of both obesity and micronutritional deficiency.

A comprehensive approach to food security is required to design and implement appropriate policies and programmes, given the complexity of issues involved, and so forms the cornerstone of the diploma in food security curriculum.

The new seven-week diploma will be open to students with a bachelor’s degree in a field related to food security and a high level of English proficiency. It will build the expertise of individuals with backgrounds in agriculture, nutrition, natural resources management, economics, or other relevant fields to prepare them for policy- and programme-oriented careers in the area of food security.

Faculty members specialised in agricultural systems, nutritional health, development economics, and policy and programming will impart knowledge of the MENA region to the classroom; classes will be held at the AUB campus in Beirut, Lebanon beginning June 1, 2015.

The programme has started accepting applications, and the submission deadline is April 1, 2015.