Dan Cross, GM, Nexa Hospitality. Dan Cross, GM, Nexa Hospitality.

3. Find the content marketing agency that’s right for you

As we already mentioned, the concept of content marketing is in its infancy in Dubai, so finding the right agency to suit your needs will take a bit of diligence and research on your part. Here are some key questions you’ll want to ask of any agency you’ll potentially be working with.

How do they educate themselves? Training options in the region are scarce, so your agency must invest in ongoing exposure to the latest developments and best practices in the industry. The best way to do this is by attending large-scale events and conferences with a heavy content marketing focus, such as Inbound, held in Boston and hosted by Hubspot, the largest and most widely used content marketing platform in the world. Make sure your agency’s team are learning from the best.

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What platforms do they use? Content marketing is a beast of a task and it is only simplified by the use of powerful tools. If your agency is not using the best software available to them, then they will be wasting time that could be used to create great content. The best software tools are in our opinion from Hubspot (again). The key advantage to working with Hubspot is not only the exceptional software power, but the support and knowledge leadership behind the scenes. Marketo, another huge platform with similar offerings, are also excellent. There are others, of course, but these two are by far the most developed. Both Hubspot and Marketo also offer comprehensive certifications to their partners to ensure they remain at the top of their game. Either way, make sure your agency is using the best possible platform for your needs, so they can remain focused on the content, not the mechanics.

Who’ll be working on your content marketing? Content marketing covers several spheres, so it’s important to be sure your agency has the right team in place to support you.

Here are some helpful fact-finding questions to ask:

• Content creation: Do they have a content creation team in-house? The team should include writers, designers (web and visual) and a content manager to coordinate all of the elements.

• Social Media: Does the agency have the team and capabilities in place to support the social media aspect of content marketing?

• SEO: How will the agency ensure every aspect of your content marketing also maximises your SEO efforts?

How do they plan to learn about your company? If your agency doesn’t invest time in learning everything there is to know about your business, how can they create content for you? How will they tell your story? Your agency must be committed to spending the time and effort necessary to understand your company, especially during the initial stages.