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XVA Art Hotel set for 100% LED lighting

David Thompson, August 25th, 2016

XVA Art Hotel, located in Dubai’s Al Fahidi historical neighbourhood, has committed to new environmental targets as part of ongoing sustainable hospitality practices.

Positioned as a socially and environmentally responsible boutique property, XVA Art Hotel has committed to a diverse range of eco-projects and initiatives, says XVA Art Hotel general manager Moses Barnabas, speaking exclusively with Hotelier Express.

“An on-going project at XVA is the installation of LED bulbs. Originally we were using incandescent bulbs. We want to keep the actual heritage lanterns, but change the internal bulbs to be more energy efficient.

“Phase one of two is already complete, I think within the next three months we will have replaced all of them.”

Other projects implemented in pursuit of lower resource consumption include the installation of water aerators in all of the rooms, reducing water consumption by as much as 50%.

Recycling programmes at the hotel include segregation and recycling of wood for furniture, paper for use in all the welcome notes, menus and guest comment cards, and even old fabrics are altered by in-house tailors and put to good use again.

“Guest towels that can no longer be used for their original purpose are collected and recycled into rugs for use in the guest’s washrooms. Laundry bags are made from old pillows – when they’re no longer suitable for their intended use in rooms, you just have to open the cabinets in each room and you will see their new purpose.”

Barnabas adds: “You’ll find this throughout XVA Art Hotel, we will waste no materials if we possibly can. If we have excess we’ll even make bags for slippers in each room. Everything is being used practically here.”

A full interview and hotel site visit with XVA ART Hotel general manager Moses Barnabas features in the September issue of Hotelier Express.