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Nestle's nutrition education for children expands

Hotelier Middle East Staff, October 9th, 2016

Palestine has become the fifth country in the region to roll out the Nestlé Ajyal Salima nutrition education programme, as part of the global Nestlé Healthy Kids Program that is now in 84 countries.

Ajyal Salima encompasses three components: classroom educational sessions for nine to 11 year olds, consisting of interactive learning and hands-on activities, healthy eating, and physical activity; parental involvement; and interventions at the school canteen level.

“We signed a three-year memorandum with Nestlé Middle East to implement Nestlé Ajyal Salima in Palestine, as the program falls in line with our 2015-2019 five-year plan to improve the quality of teaching and learning, as well as students’ nutritional and general health,” said Dr. Mohammad Rimawi, director general of school health at the Palestinian Ministry of Education and Higher Education.

Roll out will initially cover 12 public schools over one academic year in the northern, central and southern west bank, reaching over 1,500 students.

“Nestlé Ajyal Salima’s launch in Palestine aims to promote healthy eating and physical activity among nine to 11 year old school children there, at an age when they are old enough to grasp its principles and decide to incorporate healthier behaviors into their lives early on,” said Karine Antoniades Turk, creating shared value manager at Nestlé Middle East.

Developed by AUB and built on a behavioural-based educational methodology, Ajyal Salima is designed to enable teachers to integrate its sessions into different classroom subjects.