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Morocco bullish on Gulfood 2017 prospects

Diane Fermin Roeder, February 28th, 2017

On its seventh consecutive Gulfood participation, the Moroccan delegation is bullish about its prospects for the 2017 edition of the food and beverage tradeshow, with its number of exhibitors increasing from 39 to 53 and expressing optimism about meeting  targets.

The Moroccan Ministry of Agriculture and Maritime Fisheries, Food Exports Control and Coordination Organisation communication and public relations department head Othmane Michbal said: "Among our targets for participating in Gulfood, we seek to promote the Morocco origin of our products and highlight the quality and diversity of Moroccan food products.

"We intend to provide information about these products and their competitive advantage to the international market, especially in the UAE and GCC region, which Morocco considers as a re-export hub for West Africa and Asian countries."

He added: "Each year, Gulfood is getting bigger so an objective of our participation is not just to increase exports in the GCC but in all regions. Being here is an opportunity for our exhibitors to discuss contracts with European customers and even customers from America."

The exhibitors are grouped according to three categories: World Food with 39 exhibitors showing the diversity of Moroccan condiments, canned fish, spices, aromatic sugar, chocolates, fruit juice, cheese and confectionery; Oil and Fats, with seven specialist exhibitors in Moroccan olive oil and argan oil, two of Morocco's most significant exports; and, Pulses Grains & Cereals, eight exhibitors showcasing Moroccan couscous and pasta.

Michbal stated: "The added value of our exhibitors is the ability to adapt to the needs of local customers in each market. For example in a North American or Asian exhibition, they can adapt their product, design the package offering, so here in the GCC, they can also do the same." 

Innovation is a particular focus amongst the Moroccan exhibitors for Gulfood 2017, Michbal said, with new products being launched in the market, such as the first Moroccan iced tea, with a new formula recently introduced in Paris and now in the GCC, as well as a new concept Moroccan sauce applicable for fastfood and snacks. 

"Each Moroccan exhibitor is taking the opportunity to showcase innovation in order to increase their business," Michbal declared, adding that feedback from the Moroccan exhibitors' pavilion during Gulfood's opening day was that business was already  "booming".