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In season: Avocados

Sarah Jacotine, March 14th, 2017

What’s great about avocados?

Apart from their delicious taste, avocados are packed with monounsaturated fatty acids “good fat” that can be used in a variety of ways to create a wholesome and nutritious dish.

How readily available are avocados in this region?

Avocados are available everywhere but good quality avocados are much harder to find.

What should you look out for when buying this ingredient?

When purchasing avocados, giving it a squeeze is a standard method to make sure you’re buying the best quality produce. At Under500, our standard specifications include small, dark and rough skinned hass avocados from Mexico, such as ‘Arriba’

Any challenges with using it?

A main challenge would be time management. Avocados are not cheap, so the ordering of the fruit needs to be timed perfectly with its usage for minimum waste. We are lucky to have an amazing supplier that supplies us with perfect produce.

What’s the best way to use it?

We love serving our fresh avocados smashed up on toast (pictured above), with a little feta, parsley, salt, pepper, and a squeeze of lemon.