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Meet the traveller who's collected 15,000 hotel 'do not disturb' signs

Sarakshi Rai, April 4th, 2018

Retired Italian UN worker Edoardo Flores started collecting 'do not disturb' signs as souvenirs in the 1990s and soon it turned into a full-sledged hobby. 

His collection began in 1995 after he hung up a Do Not Disturb notice from a Pakistan hotel in his office and a colleague remared on its quirkiness and suggested he start an official collection.

“From that day on I made it a point to take a ‘souvenir’ wherever I went,” Flores told Travel + Leisure

However, the quirkier the signs the betters, said Flores.

“I am always amazed by their variety in both design and messages,” Flores told T+L. “Original designs, unusual shapes and materials, witty messages, spelling mistakes, etc. Any creative combination of these makes the signs fascinating.”

Read the full story here.