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Instaroom launches web-based concierge platform for hoteliers

Shishira Sreenivas, June 24th, 2018

Instaroom, a messaging platform for managing complex customer journeys, transactions, and bookings, has launched a new web-based concierge platform for hoteliers. 

The platform includes a customisable, white-label widget for hotel websites, analytics tools, and full messaging integration that enables hoteliers to establish a tether to new and returning guests, increase direct bookings, and lower distribution costs. It engages prospective customers and supports in-house guests through one user-friendly platform.  The solution offers a branded, automated website widget, localisation and personalisation that greets all customers in their native language. 

Instaroom also centralises all communications across different messaging platforms, including Facebook, WeChat, Email, and more.

The platform is mobile optimised, offers hoteliers URL tracking so management can see what guests were browsing before and after messaging the hotel, and provides hoteliers with a full analytics dashboard, which includes average response time, geolocation, engagements, conversions, leads, revenue, and other metrics.  Instaroom also securely manages payments, providing a user-friendly confirmation process.

Commenting on the new launch, Instaroom CEO and co-founder Niklas Pettersson said: “The average hotel website only has a 2% conversation rate, in large part because hoteliers aren’t offering equal or better user experiences than big business-to-consumer travel sites.”

“Nearly nine out of 10 millennials prefer messaging to other communication — and more than half of all travellers will be millennials by 2025. It’s time for hoteliers to embrace the next generation of travellers and connect with them using an intuitive, centralised messaging ecosystem that connects travellers directly with hoteliers and keeps consumers on your website.,” he added.

Instaroom is currently developing artificial intelligence bots, designed to intuitively answer commonly asked customer questions and reduce hotel management costs.  The AI bots will be integrated into the Instaroom platform later this summer, 2018, a statement from the company said.