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Futuristic autonomous cars to double up as hotels

Sarakshi Rai, September 18th, 2018

SPACE10, IKEA's futuristic design lab, has developed a new conceptual autonomous vehicle that could double up as a standard hotel room.

The company has also launched a SPACE10 app where you can experience booking a Space on Wheels in augmented reality. 

They've also designed a "Cafe on Wheels" — a mobile space which enables people to catch up with a friend over a coffee when they need to keep moving on a busy day.

One of the reasons the design lab puts forward when asked why they conceptualised a hotel on wheels is "air travel raises individual carbon footprints faster and higher than any other activity; in fact, the aviation sector is responsible for an estimated 4.9% of all human-made global warming.In contrast, Hotel on Wheels is an electric vehicle powered by clean energy which contains all the perks of a traditional hotel room. It takes people to their destinations while they’re getting their shut-eye and enables them to reduce their carbon footprints."

Check out all the other concepts here

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