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Frog found in coke can

Ben Watts, September 4th, 2009

Imagine sitting in one of Dubai's many beachfront bars, watching the sunset beyond the waves of the Persian Gulf, when a frog jumps out of your refreshing can of cola.

Well one unlucky man American man was left hopping mad as he got ready to sup on his favourite soft drink, while he grilled his dinner.

Florida man Fred Denegri opened the can on July 23 to find the creature floating in the cola as he cooked.

While it was unclear whether it was actually a frog or toad inside the can of Diet Pepsi, tests by the US Food and Drug Administration confirmed the animal inside the drink was one of the two species of amphibian.

At first Denegri thought the animal was a rodent and despite reassurances from Pepsi spokesman Jeff Dahncke that the speed of production lines and rigorous quality control made it virtually impossible for the amphibian to get into a can, Denegri remained certain the animal was in the can before he opened it.

Amphibian spokesman Kermit the Frog was unavailable for comment.