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Fatty can't fly

Jamie Knights , September 8th, 2009

An American couple claimed they were left stranded in Las Vegas by Southwest Airlines, because the husband was too fat to fly.

Emery Orto and his wife Clara were about to board a flight from Las Vegas to Chicago when a Southwest employee stopped them and asked if Orto could fit into the seat with the arm down.

Orto told local media he was “embarrassed and humiliated” by the event and claimed he was allowed to fly to Las Vegas, just not allowed to fly back.

“When we were stranded, we were shocked — what were we going to do?” he said.

“It was pretty heartless, the way they treated us. There was no information how to even get out of the terminal and no information where we could get transportation home,” added Clara Orto.

Despite Orto claiming he wasn’t offered a chance to buy a second seat Southwest Airlines said he was and added other passengers had become upset over Orto’s tone and actions.

Eventually, the Ortos were able to take a United Airlines flight back to Chicago.