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Tiger Woods Dubai remains 'committed' to course

Jamie Knights , December 16th, 2009

Tiger Woods Dubai told that it “remains committed” to the Al Ruwaya Golf Course in Dubai, the first golf course designed by Tiger Woods Design.

Speculation has been rife on whether sponsors and key partners will stand by Tiger Woods in the wake of a string of allegations of infidelity.

“The Tiger Woods Dubai, a member of the Dubai Properties Group, can confirm that it remains committed to the completion of its centerpiece Al Ruwaya Golf Course, and that progress continues on the first golf course designed by Tiger Woods Design,” the statement read.

However, the statement continued: “Tiger Woods Dubai does not comment on the personal lives of our valued partners”.

Tiger has already lost his contract with Accenture, while other companies are restricting his visibility in their campaigns.

However, he has been getting more support from the UAE.

Golf in Dubai CEO Mohammad Juma Bu Amin told Gulf News: "We are with you in this difficult time and respect your request for family privacy. As and when you decide to return to the circuit, you can always count on us."

He then added: "We will be more than delighted to welcome you to Dubai. Consider Dubai your second home.