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Top 10 celebrity hotels in Dubai

Hotelier Middle East Staff, January 28th, 2010

We were glad to hear that the rumours of Victoria Beckham's hotel debut in Dubai were unfounded, despite the amount of traffic on our website that would have been generated by the story over the coming years. 

But we did wonder who would make an impact on the Emirate's hotel scene so we compiled a list of the top 10 celebrities we would like to open a hotel.

They may not make the best hoteliers, but they would certainly give us something to write about. 

Is there anyone you would like to see open a hotel out here? Please leave a comment on who you would choose and why. 


1: Lady GaGa

Mad as box of frogs on laughing gas this bona fide nut would create one of the most intriguing hotels in the world let alone Dubai.

Her style is unique and her ability to shock would cause so much consternation we guess the property would have its license revoked in less than 24 hours, but what a 24 hours it would be.

Name of hotel: Burj al Agaga

2: Damien Hirst

The artist and slicer of animals would create an art-lovers dream hotel.

His mix of talent and controversy would give a unique experience and a hotel that would grab headlines and interest from around the world.

Name of hotel: FormaldehydeTowers

3: Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt

Yes they might have split, but surely that would add to the electricity in this hotel.

It would be beautiful, swamped by paparazzi and there might even be a summer house called the Anniston for those who thought they wanted to move into the main building, but then realised it wasn’t quite all that they thought it would be and decided they wanted to move back out to the summer house.

Name of hotel: Splitsville Hotel and Resort, To The Lawyers

4: Oprah Winfrey

We think Oprah should set out a health farm in Dubai. Since announcing the end of her TV show she can dedicate herself to shedding pounds and helping others do so.

Her inspirational talks would keep all rotundas on the straight and narrow.

Name of hotel: Winfrey’s Weight Loss Farm & Book Club

5: Marilyn Manson

This one is for the freaks and those that like a lot of goth in their hotels.

Expect all sorts of interesting guest services and a dungeon instead of a spa.

Coffins for beds and red running water would make this the must-stay hotel at Halloween.

Name of hotel: Manson Family Retreat

6: Mariah Carey

On the opposite end of the spectrum from the Manson property, Mimi’s hotel would be full of chaise-longue, delicate furnishings and flowers. In keeping with her diva credentials, each guest would have an entourage of 15 people to handle their every need and want.

Name of hotel: Mimi’s Mansion

7: Alexander McQueen

Alexander McQueen is known as l’enfant terrible and “hooligan” of English fashion, but the designer knows no limits when it comes to creating the spectacular.

Unafraid to say what’s on his mind, we would love to interview him, but we would also be intrigued to see how he would translate his designs into a fashion hotel in Dubai.

Name of hotel: MovenQueen Dubai

8: George Clooney

One of those men that other men want to be and women want to be with; who wouldn’t want to stay at his hotel?

It would be the celeb hang out of choice, an exclusive club of the coolest cats in town.

His parade of eye-candy would do wonders to our social-life magazines.

Furthermore, the man has just appeared in a film where he stays in a lot of Hilton hotels so he should know hospitality.

Expect Pitt to pop over when the tension mounts at Splitsville Hotel & Resort.

Name of hotel: Oceans View

9: Britney Spears / Lindsay Lohan

These two would create a hotel so mad it would be a whirlwind of chaos, heartache and the bizarre.

Lohan knows the area so she could advise Spears on guest services and things to do.

They could take it in turns to do something bizarre to keep the property in the limelight.

Name of hotel: Trailer Towers

10: Homer Simpson

Well, he has done almost every other job in the world, why not running a hotel in Dubai?

Sure it would collapse, Bart would be arrested, Lisa would get lost in Deira, Marge would struggle to keep the hotel going, Moe would apply for a job at the Irish Village, Otto would actually be one of the safer drivers on the road and Duff Man would be out of a job.

Either way, we would love to see that episode.

Name of hotel: The D’oh, Dubai