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WORD OF THE DAY: Stegophilist

Hotelier Middle East Staff, February 10th, 2010

Stegophilist: (noun) someone who enjoys climbing or scaling buildings

In a sentence:

PR: I think I’m going mad. I looked out of the window and thought I saw the GM doing a Spiderman impression, but that can’t be right as we are on the 45th floor.

DOSM: You aren’t mad. He’s a stegophilist. He goes up and down the side of the hotel every day.

PR: Wow, that’s incredible, I should get him some publicity.

DOSM: I think we should keep this one to ourselves. The last time he was scaling the hotel and went past the Honeymoon Suite, the occupants got a nasty shock and the GM almost fell off the side of the building.