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No carbon footprint at the gym

Harriet Sinclair, May 30th, 2010

The trend in gyms will be for green gym equipment and sustainable development according to professional fitness equipment company Technogym.

Technogym’s Michele Moro, responsible for regional sales in the Middle East and Africa said: “The input from the government of Dubai, of Abu Dhabi and the commitment that the hotel industry is taking towards the green concept and sustainable development is very clear.”

It is the commitment of the hotel industry in the region to being more eco-friendly that led Technogym to launch its new green gym equipment prototype in Dubai at The Hotel Show.

“Technogym is a wellness company and we have a new motto which is healthy people and a healthy planet therefore we are developing a wellness solution to utilise the energy of the guests in a gym, in particular with group cycling so we have launched a device which collects the energy to make it,” said Moro.

“Obviously it is the very early stages and to reach a completely carbon footprint neutral gym we are a bit far off, but at least this shows is a strong sign of commitment from Technogym,” he added.