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Blue food, beds for dogs and men in baby grows

Hotelier Middle East Staff, October 27th, 2010

Best Western has released its list of strange requests from guests for 2010.

Topping the bizarre demands were chaperones for sex addicts, reiki for animals, beds for dogs and a group of men who wanted to wear baby grows in the meeting rooms.

Other requests included a group who only wanted blue food and a man who wanted to mow the grounds of a hotel so guests could try out his lawnmowers.

The support group for sex addicts demanded a selection of single rooms and a member of staff to ensure each delegate went to bed alone.

A group of dog owners asked for twin-bed rooms so the dogs didn’t have to sleep on the floor.

The men in baby grows remains unexplained.

Head of marketing at Best Western Tim Wade said the company always tried to accommodate guest requests.