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Bomb discovered in Dubai

Hotelier Middle East Staff, October 31st, 2010


Explosive devices were discovered in both Dubai airport, on a cargo plane bound for the US, and a cargo plane in the UK, also US-bound.

The bombs, which bore the professional characteristics of terror groups such as Al Qaeda, were both discovered on planes which had set off from Yemen, and were destined for Chicago.

A female medical student from Yemen has been arrested having been traced through the cargo company, while her mother was also being detained — though it is said she is not a prime suspect.

The explosive packages were addressed to synagogues in Chicago.

The suspected Al Qaeda parcel intercepted in Dubai was flown in on a Qatar Airways flight from Sana’a via Doha.

US President Barack Obama said the parcels, which were discovered after a tip-off from Saudi Arabia, were a ‘credible terrorist threat’.