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Oman launches 'Beauty has an address' campaign

Hotelier Middle East Staff, November 14th, 2010

The Sultanate of Oman’s Ministry of Tourism launched its first global destination campaign using Oman’s new brand mark and the strap line ‘Beauty has an address’ at the World Travel Market.

The campaign is set to run from November to April 30, 2011 and will boast an international event calendar developed as part of Oman’s 40th anniversary celebrations.

In launching the campaign, Oman’s Undersecretary of Tourism, His Excellency Mohammed Al Toobi said, “The campaign’s overriding message is to demonstrate how the Sultanate sees its unique hallmark program of arts, sports and cultural events as a reflection of Oman’s heritage, cultural and natural attributes.”

The campaign will be activated in the Sultanate’s key source markets in the United Kingdom, Germany, France, The Netherlands, Belgium, Russia, the GCC region, India and Australia.

“Our campaign showcases the unprecedented calendar of arts, sports and cultural events coinciding with Oman’s 40th anniversary. I am delighted that our global campaign, which reflects our rich heritage, cultural and natural values, will be promoted in all our key markets,” added Al Toobi.

Events will include The Muscat Asian Beach Games (8-12 December); Oman’s first Food Festival (3-17 February); and its Fashion Week (22-25 February).

Other events will include Extreme 40s World Sailing Championships (20-24 February) and Tour of Oman cycle race featuring more than 120 of the best names from the Tour de France (15-20 February).

“The campaign’s images are distinctive and special, and the product of collaboration between the Ministry and its creative agency TBWA/ZEENAH (Muscat). Oman’s new brand mark features in all our promotional material so as to build our destination brand,” concluded Al Toobi.

The campaign will run in two phases. From November 2010 to January 2011, focusing on destination awareness promotions with the second phase announcing travel package offers that start on December until April 2011.