Arabian Travel Market will host the Vision Conference Arabian Travel Market will host the Vision Conference

World Travel Market is expanding its WTM Vision Conference into the Middle East in 2011.

 The WTM Vision Conference has run successfully for the past two years as a mid-year half-day conference in London offering high calibre speakers, content and analysis to the travel and tourism industry’s senior leaders.

 For 2011 the London conference will have a sister event at  Arabian Travel Market (ATM) in Dubai on May 4. A third  conference will also take place in Milan, Italy on April 14.

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 Leading global research company Euromonitor International will continue its support of the WTM Vision Conference by offering delegates to each of the three events its latest research into the global travel and tourism industry on a free and exclusive basis.

 For the previous two WTM Vision Conference events in London Euromonitor International has supplied its Forecast Restatement 2009 and 2010 research, which looked at the impact the global downturn has had on the economy and how the industry had responded.

 Euromonitor International’s experts will present at all three events to give delegates further insights and analysis to support the findings.

 World Travel Market Chairman Fiona Jeffery said: “The WTM Vision Conference format has been a real success in London with the industry’s leaders looking for the latest research, debate and analysis to help them decide on their business strategies.

 “2011 is the right time to expand this successful concept out around the globe. We have decided to start this roll out with Italy and the Middle East. Both markets have different challenges which the conferences will address while continuing to have a global overview of the industry and the wider economic considerations.”

 WTM Vision Conference in Dubai is being organised in association with Arabian Travel Market.