The Middle East and Africa has the third largest hotel development pipeline in the world, according to the November 2010 STR Global Construction Pipeline Report released this week.

Comprising 437 hotels totalling 118,759 rooms; the MEA follows the Asia Pacific pipeline (1,089 hotels totalling 268,821 rooms) and the Europe hotel development pipeline (732 hotels totalling 124,348 rooms) as the region with the largest hotel development pipeline.

Among the region’s countries, the United Arab Emirates ended the month with the largest number of rooms in the In Construction phase with 24,251 rooms. Saudi Arabia followed with 6,344 rooms in the In Construction phase.

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“The UAE and Saudi Arabia still are seeing the majority of hotel rooms in the pipeline as well as in the construction phase”, said Elizabeth Randall, managing director of STR Global.

“The UAE dominates the total active pipeline with 49,382 rooms, of which almost half are in construction. Qatar, which recently was named host city for the 2022 FIFA World Cup, has 6,192 rooms in the pipeline, of which 4,927 are under construction.

“With the interest building to the 2022 World Cup, we expect these numbers to increase over the coming years. Egypt, which has the third most rooms in the total active pipeline, is getting surpassed by Qatar and Jordan, which both have lesser rooms in the overall pipeline but more rooms under construction,” she added.

Three other countries reported more than 3,000 rooms in the In Construction phase: Qatar (4,927 rooms); Jordan (4,006 rooms); and Egypt (3,800 rooms).