Travel companies in Dubai are advising clients not to travel to Tunisia as the ongoing state of emergency imposed amid violence and political upheaval continues.

Frederic Bardin, senior vice president of the UAE’s biggest tour operator Emirates Holidays confirmed that none of its clients were currently in Tunisia, but it had stopped selling package tours into the destination. 

“Due to the current political unrest, we have put a hold on selling packages to the destination. We are monitoring the situation closely and we will continue to review the best time to resume selling the destination," he said.

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Sunil D'souza, country Manager UAE & Oman, Kanoo Travel also said clients had been advised to postpone travel into Tunisia. “Fortunately none of our clients are stuck there. We had a few clients travelling [to Tunisia] but we have asked them to avoid travel there for next few days until we clearly see what the situation is up to.”

Tourists are being evacuated from Tunisia to escape wide-spread anti-government protests. UK tour operators repatriated about 3,000 British holidaymakers over the weekend.