Wagamama capitalised on the demand for casual dining, with new outlets planned for 2011. Wagamama capitalised on the demand for casual dining, with new outlets planned for 2011.

“Migration within the UAE is also another challenge: because as rents drop, people started shifting from one region to another,” he observes.

A prime example: the study will reportedly pin-point Abu Dhabi as a key growth point for the region’s casual in-mall sector. Of course, although the UAE capital is clearly an immediately strong prospect, there are other areas around the region that have remarkable growth potential.

Having reviewed the development of new malls and urban areas, Breg anticipates that the number of casual dining restaurants will increase by another 150% by 2015.

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“The report will also feature data on the value of the casual dining market — both current value and value by 2015,” he reveals.

But on all hard facts and statistics, Breg remains tight-lipped: the truth of the study will have to wait for its big launch at Gulfood 2011 at the end of February.

Still, there’s one thing the Middle East’s food and beverage operators can be certain of — study results or no — the casual dining sector here may be in its infancy now, but it’s maturing at an astonishing pace.

Demand for decent quality, good-value, family-friendly outlets is incredibly strong in the Middle East and it shows no sign of dampening.

As long as they are prepared to do it right, operators could do a lot worse than put the majority of their eggs in the casual dining basket.

What's on the cards?

RMAL Hospitality
“We have just secured two new locations in Dubai for Wagamama that we are very excited about, and will be looking at a few more in other emirates too in 2011.

We are also looking at possibilities to expand the MPW Steakhouse & Grill restaurant into Dubai next year as well, and are likely to announce an exciting new location for another Trader Vic’s in Dubai very soon.

Meanwhile, plans are underway to expand both Frankie’s and Marco Pierre White Steakhouse outside the UAE as well, details of which we can’t disclose as yet.

We are also looking at bringing some exciting new brands to the region through our affiliations within the Dubai Pearl development, and are exploring a few new concept developments as well as home-grown brands by RMAL Hospitality in the very near future.”
Tiina-Maija Bergman, vice president strategy, RMAL Hospitality

Gourmet Gulf Company
“We plan to grow the number of our restaurants we operate to 100 in the coming years.”
Antoun Abou Jaoude, regional marketing director, Gourmet Gulf Company