Civil unrest has led many to attempt to leave Egypt (Getty Images). Civil unrest has led many to attempt to leave Egypt (Getty Images).

Carriers are cancelling and delaying flights to Egypt as civil unrest escalates, leaving thousands of passengers stranded.

One Cairo-bound jet from London turned back in mid-flight after Egyptian authorities extended a curfew to start at 4 pm., making it impossible for passengers aboard the British Midlands flight to make it out of the airport in time to avoid the police patrols.

More than 1500 travellers descended on Cairo International Airport, as tourists attempted to flee from the chaos.

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The United States, France, Germany among others have warned their citizens to cancel nonessential travel and avoid the major Egyptian cities.

Cairo, Alexandria and the port city of Suez have witnessed violent clashes between anti-government protesters and police for more than five days as Egyptians demand the resignation of President Hosni Mubarak.

Reports have also emerged of fleets of private jets carrying Egypt’s wealthy out of the country as people look to avoid the clashes.