Georgia is beautiful Georgia is beautiful

16 German National Tourist Board
Stand: EU540 (hall 7)

Germany will be focusing on two key themes at this year’s ATM: health and wellness, and the 125th anniversary of the car.

A special brochure: Medical tourism — You’ll be well looked after in Germany will be available to pick up on the stand with all the information on top clinics as well as touristic highlights for medical patients in Arabic and English.

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For car enthusiasts, Germany has over 200 car museums to explore, and hundreds of events and activities are planned this year to celebrate the anniversary of the car.

The German Tourism Board will also be launching its brand new website in Arabic and in English packed with info and photos on Germany.

Don’t miss!
Germany will be providing special info for the regional travel trade in both English and Arabic —come to the stand to pick up brochures and offers targeted at this market.