Will the pyramids be enough to entice tourists to Egypt? Will the pyramids be enough to entice tourists to Egypt?

The situation in Egypt continues to be described as ‘unpredictable’ by government websites in Europe, warning travellers to monitor local media and keep in touch with their travel company.

“The situation across Egypt is unpredictable and events can develop quickly,” warned www.fco.gov.uk, the website of the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO).

“There have been reports of sexual assaults on women during some demonstrations in Tahrir Square. There have also been a number of arrests during demonstrations, including British and other foreign nationals. We advise that you avoid all demonstrations and the area around Tahrir Square,” the website continued.

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The popular tourism destination has suffered several setbacks over the past year including the infamous Sharm El Sheikh shark attacks and, more recently, the political unrest which led to holidaymakers being evacuated from Cairo.

Despite the continued instability in the country, FCO added “most visits to the country are trouble-free”.