How could travel agents be more  innovative in their selling strategies? How could travel agents be more innovative in their selling strategies?

An agent’s view:
Basel Abu Alrub, managing partner, Utravel

is this market ready for something new?
The market has huge potential to become a hub for innovative travel ideas: all the ingredients are there for this to happen: disposable income and travel infrastructure. The only thing that is missing is the organisation, direction, and education.

how could agents be more innovative in their approach?
Travel Agents should never be afraid to commit a little bit of time and investment in venturing into new concepts. The market we deal with is rather rigid and as a result travel agents are reluctant to explore new avenues and break away from the norm.

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But I am confident that striving to be different and committing to innovation will reap its own rewards in the market.

Travel agents must find new ways to inspire their clients and must not be hesitant to present what might seem at the beginning as odd products to its clients.

The bottom line is, pushing new products should not cost agents an arm and a leg. With new cheap marketing avenues such as social media, differentiating yourself should not be as costly.

how can suppliers be more innovative in communicating with the trade?
It’s the supplier’s job to educate agents in an innovative, constructive, and unique manner for it to remain at the forefront of the agent’s mind when creating an experience for his client. Furthermore, follow up from suppliers is also important, and continuous presence in the market is needed.

Travel consultants are not meant to be order takers, they are more like artists — be it painters or musicians who are creating a holiday canvas. However, if we are not provided with the latest tools and products, then our canvas will always be lifeless and monotonous.

5 Top Tips for innovation:
1. Harness the power of technology. Use social media tools, invest in online booking portals.

2. Don’t sell boring, tried-and-tested destinations, open your client’s eyes up to new and exciting locations and they won’t be able to resist (check out How to sell Azerbaijan on p.40)

3. Packages aren’t just flights and hotels. There’s a whole world of ancillary products out there (car hire, insurance, attractions, tickets, transfers) that is also a potential gold mine.

4. Never skip supplier training opportunities. These are a golden opportunity for you to add to your product knowledge.

5. Don’t just sell ‘one size fits all travel’. Tap into niche markets with creative ideas appealing to specific clientele e.g health and wellness holidays / adventure travel / travel for oldies / teenagers