Why oh why did I put my hand up Why oh why did I put my hand up

Now we have the new boxes and logo, it’s time for me to present the concept to other local companies to try and garner as much support as possible. First stop is the Radio 1 and 2 studios.

I enter the board room nervously, ready to pitch the idea. Thirty minutes later I leave jubilant, as the Radio 1 and 2 teams love The Box Appeal and agree to support the campaign on air. This is the boost we need to make sure that everyone in the UAE knows about the campaign.

From then on the good news keeps coming; Red Crescent and Tecom pledge their support in Dubai as well as Merge radio and some shopping malls in Oman.

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The rest of June is dedicated to the participating hotels, which start to work on individual plans to fill the boxes once they arrive. Everything from in-house signage, to storage is discussed. Each hotel tries to come up with ways to reach out to the community.

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