Why oh why did I put my hand up Why oh why did I put my hand up

July is a whirlwind of activity. Our Facebook page goes live and our new Box Appeal t-shirts and banners arrive and then our media campaign starts. The media campaign is coordinated so the overall message is consistent in each country. This involves six different versions of the same press release!

We begin to receive a lot of press coverage on the appeal. Our Facebook page becomes a hive of activity and the phone is ringing off the hook with companies and individuals who want to get involved.

I travel to Ajman to Rashid Printers, get lost for two hours on my way there and the printers have to come out and rescue me. But it’s all worth it as I give the final sign-off to the Box Appeal boxes. Before I know it, 10,000 boxes are whooshing through the industrial printers.

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No going back now!

It’s Wednesday August 10 and our hotels in the UAE have just taken delivery of the boxes. The campaign officially starts in just a few days — I hop on a plane tomorrow to Oman to launch The Box Appeal there. I feel like the President on the campaign trail! I’ll be overseeing radio and print interviews as well as holding a press conference.

After months of planning I’m not nervous about filling these boxes anymore; It’s about more than that. All the hotels are working together and so is the local community.

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