The panel members on stage at World Green Tourism Abu Dhabi in December, 2011 The panel members on stage at World Green Tourism Abu Dhabi in December, 2011

Speaking at the World Green Tourism conference in Abu Dhabi last month, five experts gave their views on: Can large-scale tourism ever be sustainable?

Here's what they said...


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"Mass tourism done well can be sustainable as long as it’s done in conjunction and collaboration with customers, hoteliers and destination governments." Ruth Holroyd, group head of sustainability at The Thomas Cook Group


"Eco tourism was a cul-de-sac, it was a mistake." Professor Harold Goodwin, director of the International Centre for Responsible Tourism


"I think operators have a responsibility to hold your hand up and say to government, ‘hey we have a problem’." Professor Geoffrey Lipman, director and associate, and Schuman Associates


"I’m fed up with the research that keeps coming out asking if people will pay more for responsible tourism." Justin Francis, chief executive and co-founder,


"The reason there’s scepticism is that most of the language is termed around ‘we’re going green’." Bradley Cox, director of communications, Green Globe


Click here to read the full analysis on: Can large-scale tourism ever be sustainable?